At long last, Trump finally took a stand…for these decent tiki-torch bearing young men protesting for– statue justice?– with their righteous– racial slurs?– and heartfelt cries of “blood and soil,” as they “protested” (armed), having journeyed from their parent’s basements in the West and mid-West to give a bad name to a decent Southern city.

“Where does it stop?” Trump asked, as he named Stonewall Jackson and then our man Tommy Jefferson. Well, it would be fine for the citizens of any community to consider moving uninterrogated celebrations of generals of the Confederacy from public spaces, just as it would be fine for us as a country to talk about the legacy of the plantation-owner who wrote ‘All men are created equal’ even as he raped a slave, fathered two children with her, and let them grow up as slaves rather than question the institution which his livelihood and first-father gentry-ship depended on. Beyond the obvious fallacy of slippery slope, here is this week’s take away: Trump has gone full racist, which means it’s not long before he acquiesces to his tempermental inclination to go full fascist.

(posted from Facebook)